Monday 15 December 2014

Lost work from Biology Dept

I arranged to spend a morning at the biology dept using their microscopes and I took lots of stills and made videos. Have now lost a memory stick with this work on. Shall I rearrange and do again? As the microscopes were fixed I could only do my fingers but the quality of resolution was better than my microscope can do. This would be fine if I only wanted to use these images but I'm not sure whether the quality would be too different to show together.
I also photographed slides of fleas and lice.

I decided not to repeat the work as I wouldn't use any of it for the above reason. However I actually gained from the experience of being in a biology lab; a completely alien environment full of white lab coated students growing ecoli on warm raw chicken. The air smelt of chemicals and bunsen burners were alight making a complete contrast to the art studio and indeed the world of art. Reminded me of how enclosed and tunnel visioned and reductive this art business can get. Always a good idea to step back and take a look around at the rest of the world.

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