Monday, 26 January 2015

Technical Help and video installation experiment

Saw the two Johns in Photography at Sion to ask about getting a projector for an installation experiment.

Can also get images digitally printed. Might try a sheet of small images from the microscope photos as the resolution isn't great. Must do more retina photos, using Image - Resample at 180 res to keep picture quality. Can make larger then with same pixel amount.
Also use Unsharp Mask to sharpen up quality: setting 80.

Have chosen videos for installation experiment. I have chosen images that represent the senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste, and the nit for touch. I'm also thinking about our communication from inside to outside so have tongue for speaking as well as taste and the nose for respiration, for the ingress and egress of air.
 Picking up projector first thing from Sion then going to Dartmouth to experiment with four simultaneous video projections. Steve is helping to build a space that gives four enclosing walls so that the viewer enters into the space and is surrounded by the images. Issues with where to place the projectors so are above human height. Also where to site them, inside the walls or outside. Issues with power cables etc.
The installation space will be far from perfect as it  won't be very dark or enclosed. Also aesthetically  how do I want the space to look from the outside?
Does it matter that it will look rough and the projectors and leads will be on view? Should it rather be a smooth cube with no visible working parts?
Smooth and perfect won't be attainable with the resources I have and I prefer a bit of scruffiness anyway!
I've selected six videos and will experiment to see which work best together.

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