I took photographs of sunlight refracted through glass objects and then Photo-shopped retinal image into them.
I feel they are a bit crude and clumsy. My Photoshop skills aren't up to the task.

Photo shopped ear and eye.

My body is a thing among things: it's caught in the fabric of the world.....but because it moves itself and sees, it holds things in a circle around itself." Merleau-Ponty.
Original coloured digital retinal image from optician;
My retina: direct perception threatened by glaucoma. Genetic inheritance plus cultural inheritance of how to understand the world and my place in it.

As I was moving the images around on this page, by happy accident the colour retina settled above the b+w and I like the effect. Will do more experimenting with the contrast.
Earth Rise; The first time that our planet was seen from outer space., 1968 Huge paradigm shift in thinking and perspective. We can't help but think of ourselves as the centre of the universe and relate everything to ourselves. This image showed us as a fragile tiny part of a huge universe. Duality of thought: two impossible concepts to reconcile:micro yet macro. Inside and outside. Solid and ephemeral.
Noses Still images of experiments through my nose, Made a film sequence of them fading into each other. Idea of "seeing" with other senses. Not happy with them; bit obvious. I do like them as a group of single images together. Maybe try a digital print.
Nose images as a video.
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