I've just discovered how much easier it is to upload my videos from YouTube rather than from my computer files. And they can be played on any windows or apple products. These videos are part of an experiment in the MA building. I initially wanted a four walled space that could have a video on each wall, surrounding the viewer. My phenomenological sensory and physical apparatus surrounding the viewer's likewise. Interior, exterior, body and mind.
Issues were finding enough projectors and laptops: I had to get two from Sion. And then finding enough connectors/adapters and extension leads. We set up initially with four projectors on four tables more or less the same height facing each wall of the space so each image could be projected to a large size. I then uploaded a QuickTime video to each Mac laptop having originally saved them as AVI or MPEG, neither of which will play on a Mac.
I decided that the quality and resolution of the video wasn't as clear as I would like it to be when it was projected to a large size. And I didn't want a large space with relatively tiny projections within it. So I had to consider a smaller set of projections. Also did they need to be separate or could they share the same wall space and communicate or interact with each other?
Steve found a projection screen about 6 feet wide by 8 feet tall, specifically designed to be projected onto from behind so the image is seen but not the projectors. The images come out right/left reversed like a mirror image and because the projectors can be closer the image quality is improved.
I tried using all four projectors on the screen but before I could document it one of the projectors overheated. I preferred the magic number of three anyway: four images looked too designed or pattern like. I had six videos to play with initially but decided that the head louse video didn't fit with the body parts: the colouring and picture quality was too different. I also had to swap one of the Mac laptops for my Samsung when one of the QuickTime videos refused to play on it.
I experimented with two tongue sequences, the eye, lips and nose hair. Two tongues together was too much. The nose hair was too static.
I liked the eye rolling around and looking at the other images.
Future development: I would like to try having a repeating sequence that moves from one video to the next, moving round the screen. Also maybe having three simultaneous eyes looking at each other, lips talking to each other......
Also think about size of each image. Don't think I want them all the same, especially if having same images in each video. Different sizes is better, like having differing viewpoints.
Do I need ear and nose? Think not because they are too static and also communication is strong in sight and speech. thinking visually and orally back to prehistory. Although obviously you need to hear speech......
And the big question is do I add audio?
Will experiment.........
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