Monday 17 April 2017


Used in churches as part of an anchorite's cell; a viewing space onto the outside world. Anchorites were voluntarily ( hopefully) walled up into a tiny room built against a wall of the church and this was their only access to outside; food and water could be passed through.Not sure how they managed toilet arrangements... 
Also known as leper squints; the sick were kept away from the main body of the church and could only peep at the altar from outside. 
Sign of division.. a barrier, a space that forms an impenetrable mass. Interesting how we design and manage space to include, welcome, withhold, repel, menace etc. Makes me think of homeless spikes and public benches specifically designed so that its impossible to lie down on them.

Tremenheere Sculpture Gardens, Cornwall

James Turrell Sky Space.

Saturday 25 March 2017

Call that a skull and mermaids' purses

Bison skull lent by a friend. I've been getting the children I teach to draw it too.

Been looking at and drawing these ray egg cases washed up on Chesil Beach last winter. Just realised they and the light/shadow images seen behind the skull are negative/ positive cut outs of the inside of the bison's nose.

Cat skull in pink

 Returning at last to my own art work after a long  time of teaching other people!
Digital microscope of cat skull found in my garden.. fascinated by the way the dry white bone regains a tint of life when photographed; becomes fleshy again.
Considering how I can develop this, possibly into video? 
Can Photoshop the colour back to normal

Monday 18 May 2015

How to edit and show final video

How to show video ?
Originally thinking of playing it on a Mac for assessment: so I needed to burn the video to DVD. Couldn't get it to loop on DVD. As it turned out I didn't need to: for the Degree show it can go on a film reel edited by Martin Thomas.
For assessment I will show retina photographs and have all my video work on a memory stick.

Saturday 16 May 2015

Continuing technical issues with Photoshop and Premiere

Learned how to make circle templates in Photoshop, save as PSD file,which could then be taken into Premiere and dragged over the top of a video.
Issues with size of template: larger one didn't work as its top and bottom were cut off.
Issues of re-sizing the templated videos to make them equal.
Learned how to play two or more videos at the same time in Premiere.
Learned how to crop each video to fit it in using safe margins to show the centre of the screen.
Also how to apply crop effect; not to whole movie but to each clip at a time.
Issues with the circle templates having bits cut out of them due to positioning: never really understood why...
Issues of sizing of the circle videos: smaller, larger or equal.
Applying cross dissolve and timing between each video.

Effects Mask; to apply an effect to a specific part of a video
Saving everything as Quicktime videos so can be seen on Macs.
Tried experimenting with layering videos but couldn't keep the circles clear.

Summary of my thinking and research with regard to final piece.

James Turrell
By phenomenological definition space is a medium of communication, mediation and transference, of idea and perception.
Connection to universe
Nature of reality
Perception of reality;
Duality of mind/body/ interior/exterior/subject/objectImage result for james turrell skyspace tremenheereImage result for james turrell skyspace tremenheere

Ann Hamilton
Where is place and form for human making at the pace of the human body in the remote technological world?
Embodiment: experience and understanding of physical as opposed to phenomenological

Samuel Beckett
Reality is purely a construct of mind: it consists of ideas only
Self-perception: awareness of self, seeing from inside and outsideImage result for samuel beckett film

Helen Chadwick
Experience of the body: connection with the universe. Conscious meat.

Tony Oursler
Identity in the digital age
The eye as a two way form: sees and is reflected in.
Distance and connection
Display of videosImage result for tony oursler

Earthrise and Robert Hooke
Perspective shift: interior/exterior
Centre of universe, micro/macro, microscope,
Image result for robert hooke micrographiaImage result for earthrise

My Retina photos
Circular, interlinked, my perception, threatened.
Body Videos-microscopic magnification
Square opposed to circular format. Need to be more abstract
Body morph: vignette not good enough
Circular template, issues in Photoshop
Difficulties with cropping and multi videos.

Final Videos
Choice of how many images, videos at once: two equal sized circles is the strongest format.

The duplication of images emphasises the dialogue, the communication, the blurring of inner and outer…